How to Make a Billion Dollars:Simple Secrets

Forget everything you had read elsewhere. Forget all the things you have heard and seen elsewhere. I will show you a way to get all the money you need in the world. Yes, if you can dream how much money do you want, you can get it. Start with a fresh mind. Why some people suffer for long hours in the workplaces and earn very little? Why their bosses playing golf, eating lunches in the business class flights, fishing on a mid-weekday earn a plenty spending few hours a month in the office?

There's something weird going on this world. In this world, 90% of us are made to believe that we have to work 5 days (or 7 days) a week to earn our money. Not only that, we were told that we should not stop working until our retirement age (which is 48 or 56) and pay taxes every month (Govt. may give a portion of your taxes as the retirement benefits if you are alive!). Yes, 90% of those people belong to "working classes".

In the same world, the other 10% believe that making money is very easy. As easy as learning to drive a bike. You would fall down a couple of times (5 or 6 times if you are a hard-learner like me), but eventually you will master the art of making money. This 10% people believe that other people are hard-working, smart and will work for them if they pay you peanuts. They would enjoy the best house, best food, best car and all the best things in the world and manage things beside making loads of money. This 10% of people belong to "business classes".

We all know about working classes as most of us belong there. But, these business people - Who are they? What separates us from them? What secret they know that you and I do not know? How could they make so much money in so little time? Let us find the answers.

We need to change our Attitude

Robert Kiyosaki's ever green classic "Rich Dad Poor Dad" said it first. At the outset, you need to change your thinking, your attitude towards making money. It is as simple as that. The difficult thing, however, is to actually change the way you think. If you want to change your life, all you need to do is to change the way you think, change your beliefs and values.

Imagine that you are born again and starting a fresh life. Believe that from now on, you can make money by doing a business, hiring others and making people work for you.

We need to do different things

The next step to make lot of money is to try different things - other than working for someone else. This step is the toughest and most rewarding as well. You need lot of perseverance to cross this, and when you cross this successfully you will be swimming in lot of money. Here's the secret formula - "If you want to make lot of money, then you should find out how people are making money and copy their tactics exactly". List down the ways to make money and just do not worry about if you can do or if you have the necessary skills or resources. Starting from the top, try every method of money making. It could be selling a stuff, offering a service or consulting.

When it works out well and gives back some returns for your hard work, pat yourself back and improve things to make it more profitable. If it doesn't work, then try different methods.

If you do the same was as you have always done, you would get the same result as you have always gotten. So, measure your feedback, assess how much you are getting back for your efforts and then quickly shuffle around and do different things.

We should keep on trying

Here, I present a plan for getting as much money as you want. Here are the four simple steps that can make you a billionaire. Before starting to read those four easy steps, set aside few moments right now to think on "Why do you need that money?". If you can think of a compelling purpose, your job of making that money will be much easier. Many people think that it would be nice if they have a million and believe that it is not humanly possible to make a million. They are right, they can not make a million. Now, let us look at our plan for making a billion dollars.

1. Visualize the Billions

Now, tell me how much you want to earn in the next month. Think of a reasonable amount of money (‘reasonable; need not be low). Think how much do you want to earn. My reasonable money target will be much different from the target that you have on your mind. You can write down any amount of money as long as you believe the money and the time frame is possible. Let’s say, you want $500 from online earnings in the month of June 2008 (or whatever specific month). Go ahead to this website to make the Cheque in your name and stick it in a place where you can see it daily. Stick the Cheque in a place so that you will see it when you wake up every morning. It is a kind of meditation as described in “The Secret” book. Just do not worry about any other thing, see your favourite Cheque and think for a moment how happy you would be if you receive the cheque. Visualise what would you buy, where would you eat and what changes you will make to your life.

Million Dollar Cheque
Million Dollar Cheque

2. Ask for Help

Next, you need to find who has already achieved that target. If you want to make $500 a month, find out who is already making $1000 or more every month. Go one step ahead and prepare a list of 10 or 20 persons who are already making $1000 or more every month from online work. Ask for help, if that person is not willing to share it, move down the list and ask the next person. Some experts may ask a fee to teach you the tricks, pay them. You will always get back more money. When you are determined to earn the money at any cost (without cheating anyone, stealing anything), the Universe itself will rearrange to help you to get the money.

Believe me, the world runs in a balance. You need not worry if someone robs from you. The robber will be robbed and the money will return back to you if it belongs to you. It all gets even at the end. I have personally experienced that I have got some money from the unexpected places, suddenly - only to realize that this is the way the Universe work. Nothing works by accident. So, ask you shall receive.

3. Take Massive actions

This is the powerful step and very simple. Act on an idea. An idea is no good to anyone if it s not acted upon. Just do it. If you get an idea, just work on it without looking back. Go to the extremes and try different ways to make the idea work. If you are not an expert, bring the experts into your idea. After few years down, in your deathbed, you would most likely to regret for the actions that you didn't take. The girl whom you didn't ask for a date, the idea that you never tried, the career that you turned down and those choices that would have got a life that you always wanted to live.

People are always greedy for the life's best things. But, they are also too lazy to take actions. Who would pay you before you do the work? In the same way, you need to put down your head and work to achieve what you want to achieve. There is no other short cut. Just do it.

If something is not working even after your multiple tries, then you are hanging with a wrong idea. Choose another one and act on it. When would you know it is a wrong idea? Listen to your intuition - it will say something is wrong. It will say what is the right idea and what you can do to get moving. Start listening to your inner voice. If you listen to your voice and take massive actions, there is no way your result (billion) will elude you. No way.

4. Give back

Feel grateful for all the money you receive now. Be thankful to everyone who directly or indirectly contributed. Thanks everyone. Remember the universe helped you to earn the money you wanted. Give back something to the society. Donate to a charity, feed a hungry person. Educate a child and help those need help. It works like a charm. If you act nice to the world, the world will act nice to you. You will continue to receive more and more wealth beyond your first billion.

That's all the plan (Visualize - Get Help - Take Actions - Give Back) I wanted to describe. Which way is the best way? Obviously, there are some slow methods and some quick methods (genuine) to make money. People will speak from their own experience. Some will say that it is impossible to make quick money on the Internet. Those people will continue to believe the same way, and will continue to make money slowly. If you are not sure about how it all works, wake up. How long did it take the first million for a college student just 10 years ago - may be 4 or 5 years? Safely, a successful college student would have made his first million in say 7 years time. Things are changing rapidly, you can say with in few months if not weeks, people are making millions. Kevin Rose of Digg made his first million much quicker than Microsoft's Bill Gates. Agree? Read this AOL's story on "How to Make a Million Before the Age of 20" to know for sure how many teenage millionaires have sprung up in the recent months.

There are methods in which you have to work your ass off to get few pennies, there are some methods which are better as you need to leverage a few things to get the money flowing it. You can get people working for you, if you have a good idea. For example, if you choose Money making with article writing, you need to write all the articles and wait for someone to pay (either the buyer or the advertiser). What if you could start a service like "Hub pages" where millions of writers will work for you and pay you a commission? Or how about starting a social networking site such as "Facebook" and make millions later with all of your personal information. Of course, you could little help from an e-course such as ‘Become the next Billionaire' by visiting You will learn more such money making methods, what works, what doesn't work and which are the best methods and more. You need to pay less than $100 as a fee to learn the tricks. If you are not happy with the learnign materials, you can get your cashback, nothing to lose. Or you could turn down the offer and work your way to top leisurely. You (only YOU) have the power to make your life by making the right choices.

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