10 Good Ways to Make Money Online without Spending a Dollar

Everyone wants to build wealth and a substantial monthly cash flow. However, in real life it is much more a difficult task as there is a considerable initial investment required. This is why we work for others and try to make the ends meet for a whole lifetime.

Thanks to the Internet era, now anyone can start an online business and make money, create cash flow and build wealth in enough time, if they have a right idea and execute it very well.

Like any other business, an online business also tests your patience and teaches you lessons and puts you in a tough position. If you swim past the hurdles and initial tough phase, you would be laughing at ease. Here's few good ideas to make money that will help you if you are still wondering how you can make money on the internet.

You read the title right - to try out all these money making methods, you need not spend a dime.

Let me tell you how I came to understand the secret of making money online. On one fine day, I was travelling by the country-side and saw a group of big fat cows. I decided to stop and ask the farmer about his experiences on farming and particularly raising and managing those fat cows. I was hoping that I could draw few lessons from his farming business. I started asking few questions about the farmer and started listening to his stories. I am glad that I did.

The farmer said, he bought 10 calves of cow species named 'Holstein' (Holsteins are the world's highest milk producing cow species) on a bank loan. He raised the calves by feeding them like his babies. Days flew, months gone and just after few years - the calves matured as cows. They are no longer skinny, young calves, they had become big fat cows. Each healthy cow weighed on an average 1500 pounds and produced between 6,000 to 8,000 litres every year (that is 20-30 litres every single day for whole year). Now, after all those initial hard-working years, the farmer doesn't spend much time or money on taking care of the cows. The cows graze over the farm, drink water and roam around whole day and produces milk. The farmer has a herd of 30 cows as of now and enjoys his days spending most of his time with children. Cows eat whatever they like, drink when they are thirsty and produce milk for the farmer.

Raise cash cows and benefit from them later

It struck me like a bullet - this is a perfect analogy for us, the people who are trying to make money online. Yes, the big fat cash cow is the answer to our cash quest. When you start a money making venture online, it is just like a small, young calf. It needs all your attention, efforts and time for the initial growth period. Mind you, as the calf grows (your venture rises from the ground) you won't get even a penny for the first few months. But, we should not give up at this stage. We need to put all our hard work at it. As your calf grows into a healthy, big fat cow, then the money will start flowing in. In few weeks later, you need not work on nurturing the cow. The big fat cash cow will manage itself and you will continuously milk it for it's lifetime. How cool is that? Then what do you do? Either enjoy the fruits of your hard work, go and create another big, fat cash cow.

10 Great ideas that raise "Fix Google Income"

Let us look at 10 online business ideas that you can use to create wealth and cash flow for the rest of your life. Each one is a big, fat cash cow and you can start any one with a zero dollar investment. But, I warn you each might take considerable efforts from your side and could take long time and you need to be patient as well. If you want to learn them from experienced people, then.. NO..I am not going to sell any stuff here.

1. Blog and Contextual Ads:

If you like writing, you can start a blog (online journal) and write on a specific topic or a number of topics. Choose a topic that you like most and post short snippets of helpful information (about 300 words eac) on your blog. Once you gain a readership and th posts count reaches 50, include contextual ads such Google Adsense, Adbrite and/or Kontera ads. You will earn whenever a visitor clicks on the advertisements. The cost of setting up a blog is zero (with a free Blogger or Wordpress platform) however, you may buy your own domain by spending $10 to get rid of the .blogspot or .wordpress extension from the url. Create a network of blogs and implement Adsense, and you will be slowly building a good cash flow from the ad impressions and clicks. For more tips, refer to 5 Little Known Things about Making Money with Adsense

COST: Free

2. Blog and Text link Ads:

With the same blog, when it is more than 4 months old and a get a decent page rank (3 or more), you can rent ad spaces on your main page. These are called text link ads, where you will charge a monthly price for displaying a link ad on your blog's sidebar. There are programs such as Text Link Ads, Linkworth that offer text link ads and you can specify if you would include a 'no-follow' tag to avoid search engine rank penalties. You need good traffic to get a high monthly price and you could get up to $100 a month, if you have 300 visitors a day. Read this hub Earn at least $500 per month from Just Blogging for more information.

COST: Free

3. Stock Photographs:

If you have got a digital camera, then spend your weekends in shooting some good quality stock photographs. Use brightly lit, white backgrounds with a white sheet and table lamp and shoot some commonly published photos. Magazines and online web media designers constantly need stock photographs that are of high quality and are ready to give you between a dollar to $200 for a photograph. If you shoot stock photographs and submit to stock photo site, whenever someone downloads a photo, you will earn a commission of $1 from it. With a popular stock photograph, you could earn $100 for every month for 100 downloads. If you own the camera, then the investment is zero and you need to learn few tricks of the trade and you can start making money immediately. You can download a FREE e-book "How to Make Real Money with a Digital Camera" (2 Mb) that teaches how to create a cash flow with stock photography. Right-click and select 'Save Target as' to download the .pdf file.

One more tip: If you like taking press photos of current events, then you can sell them at http://scoopt.com

COST: Free

4. Illustrations/Designs:

If you have got the designing skills, you are very lucky. Millions of bloggers, companies are looking for designers to design logos, websites, illustrations and the web has dissolved the boundaries. You could create a portfolio (with a free blog), and showcase your best designs and get design orders. You can join freelance job sites which offer plenty of offers and design requests for logos, brochures and cards. Your time is the investment and you can get the design jobs from some of the free job directories. The best place to start is http://freelanceswitch.com/

COST: Free

5. Writing an E-book:

Got something good for a book? Then, sit down and type it. You can instantly publish your own e-book, set a price and start selling immediately. The key is to advertise in the right place for a right price. There are plenty of people looking for advice, tips on almost anything right from 'How to make bread?' to 'How to attract more women?'. There are some topics that sell like hot cakes and you need to know to make your e-book a success. There are many places where you can sell your ebooks but, I found http://www.warriorforum.com/warrioroffers/ is a good place for a free listing, only if your e-book sells a 20% commission needs to be paid.


6. Affiliate marketing:

You could use your website or the blog to promote products and when you sell a product, you get a commission of 20% to 60%. There are a number of market places such as Clickbank and Commission Junction, from where you can choose a product and start promoting for sales. Be aware that you will be paid different type of commission with each product and the company that offers to you. You need to know some of the tricks such as cloaking the affiliate URL links, marketing techniques and reviewing skills to make your readers buy the product.

7. Marketing yourself:

Internet is a wonderful to market anything. And the best product that you can market and benefit from it is, You. You can market your skills, your beauty and /or your ability to the world with the right set of tools. There are social network sites such as Orkut, LinkedIn and Facebook that allows you to build profiles, helps you to reconnect with friends using which you can network with anyone across the globe. Based on your interests you could find a partner, a better career or launch your business making use of contacts you acquire through social network sites. Offer free content to attract your potential customers and charge them if they need your special services.


8. Paid Surveys:

You probably would have heard about the companies that pay to fill out surveys and that pay you to express your opinions. People think that every such company is a fraud and scam. It is not. Companies actually spend millions of their money to know what customers like and dislike. Now, with the help of internet, their job is easy as they can be at one place and collect valuable opinions and feedback from all over the globe. Why wouldn't they pay you get such valuable information instantly? Yes, there are bogus companies and scam agents that get your opinions and sell for money and do not pay you. That doesn't mean that the opportunity doesn't exist. If only you know which are the genuine offers and good companies that are trustworthy, you can make money sitting at home, sipping coffee and filling out survey forms. You can download a FREE e-book "How to Make Real Money with Paid Surveys" (946kb) that teaches how to genuinely make money by filling surveys. Right-click and select 'Save Target as' to download the pdf file.

COST: Free if you have access to the survey database.

9. Freelance writing:

If you are writer or if you can write articles using good English, then you could try your hand at freelance writing or ghost writing for others. As you know, the entire web revolves around good content (Content is the King!). There is an insatiable need for good content and you can grab those opportunities if you know where to look for. You could earn anywhere between $5 to $25 for a 300 word article. You can use the web to research and gather information, but the only criteria is that the content you write must be in your own words. You are not allowed to directly quote from other online or offline resources however, you may rephrase and include the source from where you got that bit of information. You need to know which freelance directories offer good price and prompt payments to you which is critical. You can make money using Hubpages writing articles, feel free to download the e-book Make Real Money with Hubpages.

COST: Free

10. Offer Live Expert advice:

If you have a Personal Computer with an Internet connection and a speaker and microphone kit, you can offer counseling on web. We offer advices to our friends in daily life, and in the web, there are plenty of people seeking such advice and expert tips. And they would be ready to pay as much as $50 to $150 for an hour consulting session. You can choose your working hours (counseling times) and specify the rates that you would like to charge.

if you are an expert on your own field, think how you can deliver your service via web. I know a friend of mine is a counsellor on the web, and she didn't even have a formal degree in counselling. Her friends told her that she can become a good counsellor. A good place to start would be weRlive.com, where you can share your expertise, offer your service in exchange for a hourly rate.


Get Rich Now! Take Actions!!

Now, you know there are plenty of opportunities available on the web that allows you to create wealth by starting with a zero dollar investment. How do you succeed?

1. Try a method until you run out of every option.

2. Patience is the greatest virtue for online money making.

3. Always help the new people who wants to earn money [like I do :-)]

4. Put in all your efforts to the maximum.

5. Call for help. Don't be ashamed.

You can download this hub as an e-book and read it at your leisure - Right-Click and choose "Save Target as" www.fixgoogleincome.tk


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